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Is your Online Business Data Protected?

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Do you secure this?







Protect your Digital Assets

Do You Have a Security Plan?

We follow ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) Security Management guide lines based on the ISO 27001 Standard combined with 18 years of experience and the best tools available on the market to establishing, implementing, operating, monitoring, reviewing, maintaining and improving a documented Information Security Management System for your business within the context of the organization’s overall business risks.


You must determine what incidents are most likely to occur inside the organization considering internal and external facts. Risk analysis is crucial to determining those incidents that are likely to happen to the information assets of the company.


There are several ways in which the incident response team can detect a security incident, such as alerts from monitoring systems, reports from employees or even reports from your own process leader. In any of the above cases there will be great pressure from the complainants to know what had happened and to take immediate action against those responsible for the events.

C.E & R

Containment, Eradication and Recovery: Once it is determined that the events constitute an information security incident, make an objective assessment of the situation, define a strategy of containment, eradication and recovery that is compatible with corporate strategies and present to your process leader a work plan that takes a pessimistic view of the task duration, enabling you to respond to contingencies that may arise.

Also is need to assess potential damage of resources, need for evidence preservation, service availability, time and resources needed to implement the strategy, effectiveness of the strategy and the duration of the solution.


Post-incident activity: Once the Containment, Eradication and Recovery of the incident have meet with your process leader and other participants and discuss the teachings learned and formulate recommendations to prevent occurrence of similar events and respond more effectively to such events in the future.

Our Technical Services?

We have developed a comprehensive solution based on your personal or business needs.

Website Repair

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Is your website compromised?
Did you get a notification that your website is infected or with malware?

No worries, we can help you. We are security experts and we have worked more than 10 years in the industry and we know most hosting providers.

Is your website suspended for your provider?

Yes, we have heard that too many times, “You need to contact professional services in order for us, to check and re-enable your account”.

We have worker with most common Content Management Systems like, Joomla, WordPress, Drupal, Moodle, OpenCart and many others, most web servers use Linux as an Operating system.

We are here to come up with solutions, if we are unable to work with your current hosting providers, we can arrange a migration to another provider. At the end you need your website up and running as fast as you can.

Count with us, we are here to help you with all the technical stuff.


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Protect your family and personal data with full image backup on the most popular systems (Windows and Mac), you will protect your Operating System, Programs, Settings, Files and Boot information.

Place your back up files to external drives such as NAS drives, network shares and even on the cloud with a few clicks, you can also back up your phone and tablets (iPhone, iPad and Android devices).

We know that you don’t want to face frustration and anguish of an unresponsive computer, sometimes you don’t have time for technical support or assistance, you are in control.

Protect your loved ones from the different threats that can be found on Internet, fake websites, call to action buttons that send them to share their information/profiles over social media, online games and many other activities executed by predators.

We also work with Internet enabled devices (IoT – Internet of Things) such as electronic devices, software, wearable technology, sensors and smart devices that allow you as owner access them over the Internet, which creates a high risk for consumers having non secured devices sending out information (data) without your consent to third party companies or maybe even sending information to an attacker which can affect your financial records, even can scale up to identity theft and ruin your life. An with today’s society even you or your family members can be exposed over social media and many other unpleasant and dangerous situations.

We can protect the following systems:

Microsoft Windows

  • Windows XP SP3 32-bit
  • Windows 7 SP1 (all editions)
  • Windows 8 (all editions)
  • Windows 8.1 (all editions)
  • Windows Home Server 2011
  • Windows 10 (including Anniversary Update)

Apple Mac OS X

  • OS X Mavericks 10.9.5+
  • OS X Yosemite 10.10.2+
  • OS X El Capitan 10.11
  • OS X Sierra 10.12

Mobile Operating Systems

  • iOS 8.0 or later
  • Android 4.1 or later

File Systems

  • NTFS
  • FAT32
  • Ext2/Ext3/Ext4 *
  • ReiserFS *
  • Linux SWAP *

* The Ext2/Ext3/Ext4, ReiserFS, and Linux SWAP file systems are supported only for disk or partition backup/recovery operations.

Small Business

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Protect all your data in your company premises, remote locations, private and public clouds even on mobile devices with exceptional, customizable backup and storage management solution for any system setup, physical servers, virtual machines, PC’s, business critical applications and more.

Nowadays it is very common that people suffer ransomware attacks, which means that all user files are encrypted and demands an online payment for the “decryption key” and lock the whole computers in your organization. If you have a disaster recovery plan you can get rid off the infection with no hassle and in no time.

The benefit of securing your company data and technological infrastructure is that it makes you think about potential threats that you have not considered, you can have redundant services, move your backups to the Cloud and have them mirrored in one or two other continents just if the worst happens and even will help you to stay clean of viruses once that you have deployed and apply user policies for end users. Many of our clients from the IT Department really appreciate all the time and effort that we spent creating this plans, just because they work and you can see hours of work, stress and re-configuring existing services are tales of the past and they can really concentrate into improved and maximize technology resources in your company.

According with ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) v.3x all organization data must be backup up from each user workstation in the entire organization, meaning that all files must be saved, there is no excuse from your SysAd (System Administrator). As a matter of business, your company requires ultra fast technology to restore full systems on the same hardware or even in an entirely different hardware with seamless cloud backup and multi-destination support, with all this plans your company can be prepared with a cost-effective solution no matter what environment are you running. We work with all the resources that you have, we don’t force you to acquire new hardware we can work on your premises and in the cloud.

If your business don’t have a comprehensive DRP (Disaster Recovery Plan) you are on risk!

Website Hacked?

Now a days “getting hacked” it’s a very common topic and there is tons of information outdated and current, but mostly they do not provide proper steps to get an understanding of what have happened and how to overcome, there are some things that can be done about that.

First, let’s understand what are we talking about with some concepts:

1. Hacked

Is a term used when someone (cracker or cyber attacker) gain access to your account, and they insert they “own code” on your site, affecting your website performance and compromising your hosting service, mail services and many other services.

4. Remote Files Inclusion

Or Direct File Inclusion (DFI or RFI):

This type of attack it’s common when the attacker has discovered what your company is using for web presence such as a content management system (CMS) as WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, DotNetNuke and many other solutions, and based on the knowledge of each system, they try to attack the CMS vulnerabilities, they can attack the core itself (not too common), the extensions, plugins, themes or templates and they just need to have access to one file to successfully execute their attack.

2. Website Defaced

This occurred when your website is changed by their visual appearance, most people refer to this as “Digital vandalism” but in a few words, the attacker gained access to your website and is able to modify your website content and in most cases, they will run operations in order to transfer malware or exploits into your shared hosting account or hosting solution and dump files to run more attacks or run fake websites inside your service.

3. Zombie Website

In many opportunities, we have seen companies that create a website or web presence and is left alone with no interaction or even monitoring. This type of website attack applies for old websites (more than 1 year) that are not running a digital marketing that generates content, i.e: Business Card websites, landing pages (one page holds all the information), which is a great opportunity for attackers to use them as part of attacks. Once that hosting service is compromised they can deploy code in order to attack another server remotely, execute botnets, spread email spam and even worst like launching a denial-of-service attack (DDoS), which make the website owner responsible for the attack, legally speaking.

5. SQL Injection

Or Database attack

Most modern websites allow users to access certain parts of a website on where they can manage/update their profiles, credit card information, orders place and personal details. When an attacker is running code injection, he or she is trying to dump the database content, meaning that they can see user credentials to be able to log in into the website. This type of attack can erase all your website information is security measures are not taken same as using an older/outdated version of a database server.

Contact & Support

How to get Started?

You or your Business might be a victim and have been turned off by your hosting provider and they are telling you that you need to hire “professional services” to restore your website, you might consider this actions because once that your website is infected will require a lot of time to be clean 100%, there are too many moving parts inside a shared hosting service and your business can’t afford to do it, just consider the following actions:

Need a hand? We can help!

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